2008년 12월 7일 일요일


2. What do you think about the character of Macbeth>? Was he a good guy before he met the witches, or do his actions imply that he was always capable of dark deeds? Is he to blame for his actions, or are the witches really to blame?

I believe Macbeth was not born “evil,” but allowed himself to become evil after meeting the witches. We know in the beginning of the play that Duncan trusted Macbeth to a great extent and Macbeth also was loyal to his country and king.

However, the huge change in Macbeth’s life came along with the three witches. I think Macbeth was always capable of dark deeds because if he was a “good guy” before he met the witches, he would not have committed in such hideous deeds.

For the third question, I think both Macbeth and the witches are to blame for such outcome. Firstly, Macbeth is to blame because he allowed himself to murder Duncan even though he had the choice not to kill him, when he said the line:

“If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir. [Act 1, scene 3]

However, despite the choices he had, he chose to murder Duncan. The witches, of course, are to blame because if it wasn’t for their prediction, the entire incident would not have happened. Macbeth would have continued to be faithful and loyal to the king.

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